




Hi, I'm Robbie

SoftwareDeveloper-Frontend-Backend-FullStack- SoftwareDeveloper-Frontend-Backend-FullStack- SoftwareDeveloper-Frontend-Backend-FullStack- SoftwareDeveloper-Frontend-Backend-FullStack-


CEO of DhammaDevs

Fri, 1 May 2020 - Present

  • Create fullstack websites for clients
  • Design the websites in Figma
  • Choose tech stack for the particular project
  • Consult with clients about their needs and desires for the website

Full-Stack Software Developer

Sun, 1 January 2023 - Fri, 31 March 2023

  • Designed, Built, and Deployed 7 full-stack web apps using modern technologies
  • Automated many manual tasks to simplify facilitator duties
  • Selected to be a part an exclusive 2 developer team

Co-founder & Lead Developer of Nepal Life Improvement Foundation

Wed, 1 May 2019 - Present

  • Designed and built nepallife.org
  • Consult with partners about NGO activities and how to further help the village of Pachabhaiya


Nepal Life Improvement Foundation

Website created, built, and donated to the NLIF - NGO. Built using vanilla HTML, CSS, Flexbox and Grid, JavaScript, Stripe and PayPal. Contact NLIF to make a donation!

Zizi Karma Psychology

Designed and built the Zizi Karma website for Yulia Prokop's Psychological Therapy Practice. This website is built using the Astro Framework. It has a single landing page, with an about section, a contact form, and some javascript for specific components.

Paw Patrol

Single page open source GPS tracking app to track your pets or children. Build with React, leaflet, Express, Sequelize, Typescript, and a little bit of C++ for the hardware. Pairs with Botletics and Arduino hardware.

AVF Tax Receipts

Developed and donated an app to digitize the process of issuing charity tax receipts for the Alberta Vipassana Foundation. The user is able to enter in the charitable donation information, then create and download a PDF of the receipt. The intention was to use this app to replace the paper receipts.


Interview Scheduler is a single page scheduling app made with React, PostgreSQL, Cypress, Jest, and SASS. It was a project from the Lighthouse Labs Web Dev Bootcamp.

Creative Hair Styling

Landing page for a Calgary Hair Stylist. Designed and built using NextJS


Who am I?

Hi, I’m Robbie. You aren’t here really to read about me. You’re here to read about how I might benefit you or your company. You’re probably thinking “Is this person going to benefit me or are they going to slow down the productivity of my team?”.

Let me, egotistically, give you a short background. I have been working with clients since 2020. In that time, I’ve helped many individuals establish a digital footprint, NGO’s inform their donors, and Charities simplify and automate some of their workload. In 2022 completed a web development bootcamp to deepen my knowledge of web development. I learned how to create software using modern technologies such as various JavaScript frameworks, algorithms, web security, frontend and backend development, along with many other things. Since then, I have been continuously learning new technologies to stay on top of the ever evolving field of Software Development.

Enough about me. Let’s talk about you. Scroll down to the bottom and contact me so we can discuss how I might be of service to you.



You won't be disapointed,Let's Talk


